Street Photography – Olympus OM-D EM-5; 45

Another selection of street images taken with my Olympus OM-D EM-5, some of these with older OM lenses and an adapter to get them to fit onto micro four thirds bodies, as I’ve said before the quality of old glass still amazes me.

Cricketers.jpg ISO 200, f?, 1/500th sec. I waited and waited for this guy to turn around while he was waiting on the side of the pitch, his facial expression say’s to me he wasn’t too keen on being there or how his team were doing.

Cyclists.jpg ISO 200, f8, 1/200th sec. Just a coupe of cyclists nicely framed by the shadows, light and tree’s.

Dogwalking.jpg ISO 200, f8, 1/500th sec. I do take a lot of photo’s of people’s back’s don’t I? This lad walking his dog had passed me by and as I turned around I noticed how he was emerging from the shadow of the fence and tree’s into the bright sunlight of the road.

Fisherman.jpg ISO 200, f8, 1/500th sec. I really like this image, it’s simplistic and that suit’s me fine. The fisherman, the cliff’s and the large space of nothing else in particular.

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