Month: May 2019

Un Giro D’Italia – Parte Tre: A Zine By Me

Hello everyone, long time no speak. I’ve been working on another small publication of my images that I created during my most recent trip around Italy in Spring of this year. I’m please to say it’s finally ready and is available to buy through my Etsy store.


The zine is 28 pages of medium format images taken mostly on Kodak Ektar but also some Portra using my trusty Yashica D and features scenes from Florence, Siena, Turin, Bologna, Parma, La Spezia and others. Because I’m nice there’s a little 5×5 print of the River Po flowing through Turin included too AND the postage is free to anywhere in the world.

So if you like my work why not do me a favour and buy a copy? 🙂