Photography Books

Un Giro D’Italia – Parte Tre: A Zine By Me

Hello everyone, long time no speak. I’ve been working on another small publication of my images that I created during my most recent trip around Italy in Spring of this year. I’m please to say it’s finally ready and is available to buy through my Etsy store.


The zine is 28 pages of medium format images taken mostly on Kodak Ektar but also some Portra using my trusty Yashica D and features scenes from Florence, Siena, Turin, Bologna, Parma, La Spezia and others. Because I’m nice there’s a little 5×5 print of the River Po flowing through Turin included too AND the postage is free to anywhere in the world.

So if you like my work why not do me a favour and buy a copy? 🙂

Un Giro D’Italia – Parte Due: A New Zine By Me

If you’ve followed this blog for a while you’ll probably know that I have a thing about Italy and taking a lot of photograph’s every time I visit there, you may also be aware that I have made a few zine’s this year of my work. Well this is the fourth of 2018 and it’s available now.

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PhotoKlassik International Magazine – A Short Overview

So looks like there’s a new analogue photography based magazine about in the wild. I thought I’d write a little thing about this, firstly because I actually Kickstartered (is that a verb?) this and secondly because I really have loved the resulting magazine that came through my door last week.


Forgive the background rug as it was the flattest and most neutral surface I had available to take a photo. (more…)

Instant Amsterdam – Part One

As some of you might be aware I finished off making a new zine last week, my third of the year and one containing nothing but Polaroids taken during a trip to Amsterdam at the beginning of June. I thought I’d start sharing some of the images that feature in the zine over the next few weeks as a series of posts, if you’d like to see more of them then you can pick up a copy from my Etsy Store here.

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Instant Amsterdam – A Photo Zine By Me

Hello everyone out there in Internet Land, as you may have noticed I’ve been neglecting this website/blog a little bit lately. The reason’s for that are numerous, a house move taking up a ton of time and blood pressure, a holiday taking up more of that time but lowering that blood pressure, the house move meaning internet access was sketchy. And then there was also this little project I’ve been working on, which brings me to the reason for this post. I made a new zine.

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Coast – My Second Zine

Hey everybody, as you may or may not be aware I published a zine at the beginning of the year that showed off various photos I’d taken while I travelled around Italy last November (If you don’t know then check out this here). I have now produced a second zine that is of images taken a lot closer to home, I give you “Coast”.

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Uno Giro D’Italia – My First Zine

Some of you that follow this site regularly, or follow me on Twitter or Instagram, may be aware that during November I travelled around Italy on my own, merrily snapping away with a Yashica D and Olympus OM-1. You may also be aware that I was planning to put together some of the images in a zine. Well here it is.

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A Parade Of Strangers – Eduardo Pavez Goye

Lets delve again into my collection of books (my girlfriend says I have too many, but can you really have too many books?), specifically photography books. This time we have a limited run book by photographer and You Tube Vlogger Eduardo Pavez Goye, I say limited run as he sold it through Etsy on a print run of only 50 copies, of which I managed to get hold of a copy after pouncing on it as soon as could, it sold out very quickly.

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Dennis Hopper – The Lost Album

I haven’t done a book “review” for some time, I mean over a year actually (whoops) and as it’s not too long  since Christmas I have a new pile of books to share my thoughts on. OK this book I was actually given for the previous Christmas (told you it’s been a while) but as I’m starting up this series again I might as well continue where I left off. So this book is, as the title suggests, a selection of images taken by Dennis Hopper (yes actor, director, painter, legend and also photographer Dennis Hopper) during the 1960’s. It’s a great piece of history of that time, other than the artistic nature of a lot of the images there’s a huge selection of portraits of famous people that he hung around with from artists and musicians to movie stars and figures of historical importance, there are images of Andy Warhol, James Brown, Jane and Peter Fonda alongside images of Martin Luther King Junior. There’s also a large selection of images of biker gangs (taken before and during filming of Easy Rider) and those of the hippy movement and equality movement’s. In all it’s a great book that shows a little slice of history of the 1960’s through the eyes of an artist of the time.

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McCullin – Shaped By War

I haven’t written one of these for a little while so thought I would mix it up and write another article on one of the many photography book’s I own.

First off if you have never heard of Don McCullin I implore you to go online and search him out, he is one of the most important and finest photographer’s of the 20th Century, that’s not my opinion that is a matter of fact. Born into and growing up through The Second World War and the aftermath in poverty stricken London he emerged to become an incredible War Photographer, and despite not liking the title himself he did a pretty good job at it. (more…)