
New Film photographers ahoy

Hello everyone.

It’s been a very long time since I posted anything here, mainly because I actually have a real website that can be viewed here and don;t actually use this site anymore…..HOWEVER.

I realised quite a few people do still visit here and that’s how they end up at my new website and that means quite a lot of people DO still look here.

So this was probably a good place to advertise something.

The good people at Analogue Wonderland have come up with something that although it may not be aimed at me, or even you, it’s aimed at people who either are just starting in film photography or want to give it a go and don’t know what anything means or what to do.

They’ve written a pretty comprehensive, although not remotely confusing, guide here that covers a lot of the basics. Alongside a load of really informative videos as well that can be found on their Youtube.

I’m gonna say now, I’m not being be paid or anything I just think this is really incredibly useful and something I would’ve killed for when I first picked up my Nikon FM ages ago. So if you know anyone who wants to pick up an old 35mm and give a go and doesn’t know what to do, send them towards this. it’s really good.


Hello new followers and old, readers and browsers, people who know who I am and people who haven’t a clue and have just stumbled across this. As usual I thought I’d write a short piece about the last year in my photography as opposed to my usual “here is a photo, what do you think?” kind of post. For the first time I am actually writing this as it is about to go live, usually I write up a few weeks in advance and then apologise because nothing is relevant anymore, but not this time. I am currently off work (my day job, no i am not an actual “paid for” photographer) taking antibiotics for an infection and since I have the spare time I can write this now. Anyway, let’s get down to it, my 2018 review.

Self Portrait f3.5 4th sec.jpg.jpg (more…)

PhotoKlassik International Magazine – A Short Overview

So looks like there’s a new analogue photography based magazine about in the wild. I thought I’d write a little thing about this, firstly because I actually Kickstartered (is that a verb?) this and secondly because I really have loved the resulting magazine that came through my door last week.


Forgive the background rug as it was the flattest and most neutral surface I had available to take a photo. (more…)

2017 Review

Hello Everyone out there in Internet Land, new and old followers, first timers and old hats, I hope you’ve all had a good Christmas and or whatever non denominational or different religious based festival that may have at this time of year. As is becoming tradition, or as has been done for the past two years on this blog, it’s time for my review of my year. As last year as well apologies if anything on here has been overtaken by events as I’m writing this up a few weeks before it’s due to be posted, Christmas is obviously a busy time.

10 Self Portrait f3.5 8th sec.jpg


Little Update

Buona Sera followers, friends and casual readers/viewers alike, as you may have noticed from the last week or so of lack of updates to this site I am not currently in the UK. Although if you saw my post from yesterday where I said that I wasn’t currently in the UK then you probably already know.

I am at present sat in a very nice, if slightly small, Airbnb in Lucca, Italy, having just finished my first week of travelling around this beautiful country with the dual aim of seeing places I have always wanted to see and shooting a million rolls of film at the same time. So far, so good.

I thought that I’d post up a quick update style post this evening though just so nobody thinks I’ve gone completely off the radar, and as tomorrow I will be off to my favourite city on the planet, Florence, for the next week, it seemed fitting to share an image I took the last time I was there. I’m aiming to recreate this on medium format and hopefully a much better exposure.

25.jpg Olympus OM1, FujiColor C200.

Shoot Film UK’s Open Call Submission (a favour to ask you all)

So this is a favour I’m going to ask a few of you. I have submitted a couple of images into the open call for Shoot Film UK’s 4th zine publication, as it’s an open theme and I can submit anything I like.

I’d like to ask if any of you guys who regularly read/view my posts would mind liking the images I have entered, that way it makes it much more likely they will be included in the printed publication and not just online?

If you would like to help me out just follow the links below and hit the like, share with your friends and ask them to like too, whatever you want. I’ll greatly appreciate it. Thanks guys.

First Image Here.

Second Image Here.

First Attempt With Slide Film


I’ve been holding off on posting this for some time, the roll was finished in time for the final week of Emulsive.org but me being an imbecile and massively underestimating how long it takes to get slide film developed, and then for some insane reason deciding to actually get mounted slides made also, I missed the deadline for posting my entries by a solid 2 and a half weeks. Perhaps I’ve been hiding these away to cover my shame at not being able to enter the final week, or perhaps it’s just because I’ve been busy and haven’t had the time to sit down and write an actual article on this blog (something I haven’t done properly for some time), but the images have been languishing away on my desk and not seen the light of day. Until now. So hello all and welcome to The 6 Million P Man’s first foray into shooting colour positive slide reversal film. (more…)

My First Attempt To Sell My Images

If you’ll forgive the blatant and flagrant self promotional nature of this post but I’ve finally decided to probe the interest in my photography and also try and achieve one of the New Year Resolutions I set for myself way back in January and actually try and sell some of my images.  (more…)

So I Joined Instagram

This is going to be a slightly wordy entry rather than the usual “here is a photo I took, look at it” kind of thing but it’s something I wanted to talk about and put out there, I have (finally) set up an Instagram account and have been sharing older images on there. Find it here if that interests you, give it a follow if it interest you that much.  (more…)