Month: December 2018


Hello new followers and old, readers and browsers, people who know who I am and people who haven’t a clue and have just stumbled across this. As usual I thought I’d write a short piece about the last year in my photography as opposed to my usual “here is a photo, what do you think?” kind of post. For the first time I am actually writing this as it is about to go live, usually I write up a few weeks in advance and then apologise because nothing is relevant anymore, but not this time. I am currently off work (my day job, no i am not an actual “paid for” photographer) taking antibiotics for an infection and since I have the spare time I can write this now. Anyway, let’s get down to it, my 2018 review.

Self Portrait f3.5 4th sec.jpg.jpg (more…)

Un Giro D’Italia – Parte Due: A New Zine By Me

If you’ve followed this blog for a while you’ll probably know that I have a thing about Italy and taking a lot of photograph’s every time I visit there, you may also be aware that I have made a few zine’s this year of my work. Well this is the fourth of 2018 and it’s available now.

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