Month: December 2016

Project 52: Week 53; Bonus Round – My Choice

So as I suggested last week I might return to my 52 week project for a bonus 53rd week, and low and behold I have. I thought that as there isn’t a specific brief or theme for this week then I would go for whatever the hell I wanted, so that’s what I’ve done. Below is a landscape shot that I actually did shoot during this 53rd week, stood at sunset on Caerphilly Mountain looking down into the valleys below. I love the fact I was able to capture the rolling early evening fog condensing in the valley, it’s lie looking down on a calm sea. I really love the colours of the sunset light poking out underneath the heavy cloud as well. Finally I really like the lines created by the pathway bisecting diagonally across the image as well, leading your eye towards the misty valley.DSC_0007.jpg Nikon D5200, Sigma 10-20mm EX DC, ND Grad 0.3, ISO 160, f8, 1/6th Sec (more…)

2016 Review

Hello all you lovely readers out there in the land of internet/webz, I hope you’ve all had a great year and a great Christmas and are suitably hungover or in some sort of gluttony based food paralysis that will last for a few days before your recovery. Last year I wrote a similarly titled post, not quite the same obviously as it had the words 2015 instead of 2016 in it, and it seemed to go down well so I thought I’d do it again. First off apologies if anything in this post has been overtaken by events as I’m writing it a few weeks prior to the end of the year since I actually have the time available to do it and because it means I can schedule this and concentrate on the really important things, going out and making photographs. (more…)

Winter Sundown

Been a little while since I managed to get out and about to do some landscape work, this was taken the other day from Caerphilly Mountain at sundown (sundown being the relatively early time of 16:10 in the afternoon). You can probably tell it was rather cold from the mist forming in the valley in the background.

DSC_0003.jpg Nikon D5200, Sigma 10-20mm EX DC 1:4-5.6, ISO 160, f8, 1/15th sec. (more…)

Christmas Party

A few weeks ago I went over a friends house for a Christmas Party, for that read drink and eat and play computer games rather than a sing song around a Nativity Scene, and obviously took along my camera. This will be the first of several Christmas posts that will coming out over the next week or so, mainly because I had time off work and therefore a chance to edit and scan in lots of images of the festive period. Anyway all these images in the post are taken with my Nikon D5200 and 35mm Nikkor 1:1.8 lens.

DSC_0039.jpg ISO 800, f1.8, 1/30th sec. (more…)

Project 52: Week 52; Portrait – Another Self Portrait

So the 52 week project has finally reached it’s climax, 52 weeks of sometimes slightly random theme’s and assignments designed to force me to branch out my photographic perspective, or something like that anyway. As many of you may be aware I’ve not been enjoying this project as much as I thought I would, sometimes it’s felt a chore, sometimes I’ve struggled to fit the brief for a particular week, sometimes I just haven’t bothered and then plastered out a number of posts quickly in succession. I will say this, it’s done. (more…)