analogue photography

New Film photographers ahoy

Hello everyone.

It’s been a very long time since I posted anything here, mainly because I actually have a real website that can be viewed here and don;t actually use this site anymore…..HOWEVER.

I realised quite a few people do still visit here and that’s how they end up at my new website and that means quite a lot of people DO still look here.

So this was probably a good place to advertise something.

The good people at Analogue Wonderland have come up with something that although it may not be aimed at me, or even you, it’s aimed at people who either are just starting in film photography or want to give it a go and don’t know what anything means or what to do.

They’ve written a pretty comprehensive, although not remotely confusing, guide here that covers a lot of the basics. Alongside a load of really informative videos as well that can be found on their Youtube.

I’m gonna say now, I’m not being be paid or anything I just think this is really incredibly useful and something I would’ve killed for when I first picked up my Nikon FM ages ago. So if you know anyone who wants to pick up an old 35mm and give a go and doesn’t know what to do, send them towards this. it’s really good.

Un Giro D’Italia – Parte Tre: A Zine By Me

Hello everyone, long time no speak. I’ve been working on another small publication of my images that I created during my most recent trip around Italy in Spring of this year. I’m please to say it’s finally ready and is available to buy through my Etsy store.


The zine is 28 pages of medium format images taken mostly on Kodak Ektar but also some Portra using my trusty Yashica D and features scenes from Florence, Siena, Turin, Bologna, Parma, La Spezia and others. Because I’m nice there’s a little 5×5 print of the River Po flowing through Turin included too AND the postage is free to anywhere in the world.

So if you like my work why not do me a favour and buy a copy? 🙂

Un Giro D’Italia – Parte Due : Featured Images

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Bologna, Yashica D, Kodak Ektar 100, f4, 1/60th sec.

So as of tomorrow I will be back in Italy for another few weeks of travelling around and photographing the country and it’s various cities. As that’s the case this blog will be a little quiet (quieter than usual anyway) and this will be the last post for a while.

So while I’m away making new images, why not purchase a copy of the zine I made from the images I shot the last time I was there? You can do so through my Etsy store here.

Obviously I’ll still be posting pretty regular on Instagram though so if you want to follow my journey then you can do so there.

Un Giro D’Italia – Parte Due : Featured Images

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Modena, Yashica D, Kodak Ektar 100, f5.6, 1/125th sec.

As you may be aware I created a new zine of my images that I shot during October 2018 around Italy as a follow up to the first one I released at the start of the year that featured images shot in Autumn of 2017.

So I thought I’d spend the next few weeks sharing some of the images featured in the zine, and some that didn’t make the cut, and then if you’d like to purchase a copy of the zine (which would be lovely) you can do so through my Etsy store here.

Un Giro D’Italia – Parte Due : Featured Images

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Modena, Yashica D, Kodak Ektar 100, f5.6, 1/125th sec.

As you may be aware I created a new zine of my images that I shot during October 2018 around Italy as a follow up to the first one I released at the start of the year that featured images shot in Autumn of 2017.

So I thought I’d spend the next few weeks sharing some of the images featured in the zine, and some that didn’t make the cut, and then if you’d like to purchase a copy of the zine (which would be lovely) you can do so through my Etsy store here.

Un Giro D’Italia – Parte Due : Featured Images

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Bologna, Yashica D, Kodak Ektar 100, f16, 1/125th sec.

As you may be aware I created a new zine of my images that I shot during October 2018 around Italy as a follow up to the first one I released at the start of the year that featured images shot in Autumn of 2017.

So I thought I’d spend the next few weeks sharing some of the images featured in the zine, and some that didn’t make the cut, and then if you’d like to purchase a copy of the zine (which would be lovely) you can do so through my Etsy store here.

Un Giro D’Italia – Parte Due : Featured Images

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Modena, Yashica D, Kodak Ektar 100, f4, 1/30th sec.

As you may be aware I created a new zine of my images that I shot during October 2018 around Italy as a follow up to the first one I released at the start of the year that featured images shot in Autumn of 2017.

So I thought I’d spend the next few weeks sharing some of the images featured in the zine, and some that didn’t make the cut, and then if you’d like to purchase a copy of the zine (which would be lovely) you can do so through my Etsy store here.

Un Giro D’Italia – Parte Due : Featured Images

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Modena, Yashica D, Kodak Ektar 100, f3.5, 1/60th sec.

As you may be aware I created a new zine of my images that I shot during October 2018 around Italy as a follow up to the first one I released at the start of the year that featured images shot in Autumn of 2017.

So I thought I’d spend the next few weeks sharing some of the images featured in the zine, and some that didn’t make the cut, and then if you’d like to purchase a copy of the zine (which would be lovely) you can do so through my Etsy store here.

Un Giro D’Italia – Parte Due : Featured Images

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Modena, Yashica D, Kodak Ektar 100, f3.5, 1/8th sec.

As you may be aware I created a new zine of my images that I shot during October 2018 around Italy as a follow up to the first one I released at the start of the year that featured images shot in Autumn of 2017.

So I thought I’d spend the next few weeks sharing some of the images featured in the zine, and some that didn’t make the cut, and then if you’d like to purchase a copy of the zine (which would be lovely) you can do so through my Etsy store here.

Un Giro D’Italia – Parte Due : Featured Images

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Bologna, Yashica D, Kodak Ektar 100, f16, 1/125th sec.

As you may be aware I created a new zine of my images that I shot during October 2018 around Italy as a follow up to the first one I released at the start of the year that featured images shot in Autumn of 2017.

So I thought I’d spend the next few weeks sharing some of the images featured in the zine, and some that didn’t make the cut, and then if you’d like to purchase a copy of the zine (which would be lovely) you can do so through my Etsy store here.