Street Photography – Olympus OM-D EM-5; 32

Thought I’d jump straight in with the image’s this time around, enjoy and comment.

Bicycle Shadow.jpg ISO 200, f4, 1/2000th sec. This is all about the strong shadow of the bicycle stretching out across the middle of the image and crossing the line on the pavement.

Crossing.jpg ISO 200, f4, 1/1250th sec. Another image that benefits from the bright light causing some strikingly dark and pronounced shadows.

Cyclist.jpg ISO 200, f4, 1/640th sec. The very definition of “hipster”? The moustache and sunglasses combo is pretty cool, not sure about the bicycle and suit jacket.

Excited Dog.jpg ISO 200, f4, 1/500th sec. A very excited dog, it couldn’t stay still for more than 10 seconds, the guy holding the lead didn’t seem the least bit interested though.

Fish And Chips.jpg ISO 200, f4, 1/1000th sec. who doesn’t like fish and chips? These two do so much that they’re completely avoiding any eye contact or conversation while they tuck in. After I took this I noticed the guy in the background on the left who look’s like he’s about to take a leak in the middle of the street.

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